Golden rules of Self-care and surviving the Holidays!

As a wise man once said “Don’t let yourself get too hungry ,too angry, too lonely or too tired!” Anonymous   I got it off my Sayings A Day calendar.  It’s very cool – there are no years so you can use it again & again!  My friend (part X), Jane Gregoire gave it to me…13-14 years ago!  Thanks!

Let’s return to the idea of self-care.  Feeding your body and nurturing your soul is important for any time.  Self-care, really your wellness has an impact on others.  Just taking a deep, cleansing breath…repeat 3 times.-fights stress, slows you down, gives you a chance to stop and admire the decorations!  This little breathing moment contributes to your overall sense of wellness and models for others, your family, coworkers…

Self-care is vital for the often stressful Holiday season.  We put pressure on ourselves to find that “perfect gift.”  And get depressed & frazzled with all the hustle and bustle!  Try to enjoy the holidays with family and friends.  Donate some clothes, toys,and money or your time to a local shelter.  You’ll feel more connected,too.  I know, another thing to do!

Working, shopping, dealing/enjoying, this can can impact your health both physical and in your soul!  Nourish all aspects of that mind/body/spirit relationship!  Taking the time to check in with yourself and being  mindful of your needs is critical. During the holiday season, you can become sick, get a cold or spike a fever.  I was always sick at Christmas-run down from studying for finals, I held of being ill until that last one.  I came home to chaos.  They waited for us, (I stayed with my boyfriend and his family) to help go out and chop down the Christmas tree!  Of course, then, we decorated it and decided where it would go.  By that time, I just lay on couch, coughing and sneezing and generally awful.  I missed everything-Christmas Eve Mass, opening 1 gift that night, and the holiday, basically.  A little self-care before might have helped

Don’t get me wrong, I love this season, most often reading a book inside-much warmer!  Cocoa’s good, too.   I guess taking care of yourself first and then, taking care of others’ needs…Women are the worst at gifting a season with wellness  ) self-care.  Everyone should get into the habit of  self-care…Managing the frenetic pace is the key.  How best to do this/  Self-care.

About transitionchick

Having literally reinvented her career (and redefined her goals and herself) many times over, Marcia Merrill has definitely earned the title of being known as the Transitions Chick! Before she answered her true calling, namely coaching, she was a Staff Analyst for a consulting company; a Resource librarian; and taught English, Spanish composition, and English as a second language in all levels of schools, from elementary through to doing substitute teaching during her graduate schooling. Her fervent desire to continually learn and explore different avenues led her to obtain two Masters degrees, the first in Bilingual/Bicultural Education and Instructional Systems Development from the University of Maryland, and the second in Counseling Psychology from Loyola College, Maryland. Marcia draws upon not only her solid academic background and her 25+ years as a Career Counselor/Coach, but also her own personal transitions that she has weathered and emerged from victoriously. She definitely ‘walks the walk and talks the talk’ and her primary objective is to help women achieve the level of contentment and success they desire from their life and their career or business. Whether it’s transitioning from an entry level position to an executive manager, changing jobs to realize their hopes and dreams, to learning how to cope with the setbacks that life in general sometimes throws at us, Marcia always applies her caring and creative problem-solving skills to her clients. Her mission statement, “Fall in love with your LIFE & your work (and in that order!)” shows how Marcia prioritizes her life, and her clients easily achieve the same balance in their lives from her superb coaching skills.
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3 Responses to Golden rules of Self-care and surviving the Holidays!

  1. Dorothy says:

    Yeah, I probably should have read this before you even wrote it! Hosting a party and a holiday dinner in one week, working extended hours, and not keeping up with sleep/meds/food/water…by Dec. 5th I was done in. (Sinus infection, wheezing, sore throat…)Every year I swear it will be different. I have spent so many lonely Christmas Eves and Christmas Days on the couch (pretty much the opposite of MERRY!). Do you or your readers have practical tips on how to stay on track? Thanks!

    • Dorothy!
      Thanks for your comments. Sounds as if you found the consequences when we don’t build self-care into the hustle and bustle of life-let alone the holidays! As for keeping on track, I tell my coaching clients to start writing realistic to do lists! Meaning 5-7 things max. Don’t set yourself up for failure and the joy felt as you cross it off your list! I wrote of this and down your yearly, weekly, monthly and yearly goals-don’t wait til Dec. 31st! A goal not written down is only a wish. And don’t forget to build in meals and breaks-even 15-20 minutes, walk around the office, your home…This is not the time to check any Facebook, Lined in…Social Media…This is Me-Time! Write in meals,too. And many of my clients have used a timer to keep them on task-there is an app for a kitchen timer for smart phones, set your computer alarm or phone alarm as on breaks you’ll be away from your computer! Let me know if this helps. You’ve given me a good article topic-thanks! Leave a comment so we’ll know how it worked! In Abundance! Marcia

    • Dorothy, See my Overwhelm post This may really help and give you practical tools for overwhelm! Enjoy! Let me know if it was useful.

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